11 outubro, 2007

A guerra do Iraque numa fotografia

Na edição de hoje do New York Times.


Gabriel Silva disse...

de destacar também que se trata um magnifico trabalho fotográfico de João silva, foto-reporter português.

Anónimo disse...

I once have a lot of dofus kamas in the game and i will go to buy kamas to add my stock. I enjoy playing the game to get a lot of cheap kamas,so I like the game very much and i like to earn the dofus gold with my friends together. I want to join the group to buy dofus kamas and i can get a lot of equipment to arm myself. I like the game very much come on to join us!

Anónimo disse...

I am so happy to get some hero gold and the hero online gold is given by my close friend

who tells me that the hero online money is the basis to enter into the game. Therefore, I should buy hero gold with the spare money and I gain some hero money from other players.